Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sparrow the Historian

Remember that weird story about the man who left the
Buckingham Palace tour and wandered into the Queen's bedroom?

Sparrow used that as a starting point in "Phillip, My Dear", wrapping the
anecdote in a classic dirty joke, in a burlesque worthy of Jonathan Swift
(who would never have attempted it, as the royals still chopped off heads
for gross impertinence in those days).

Before the unexpected fiery climax made that joke not funny anymore,
Sparrow took on those misbehaving princesses and the Royal Family's
reaction in "London Bridge".

The foibles of British Empire weren't Sparrow's only target.
Off and on he lived in Brooklyn. His analysis of the Impeachment
and the Clinton/Lewinski affair is as detailed as a Sunday morning
news program and as funny as The Daily Show.

"Doh Touch Meh President"

He came out of retirement to record "Barack the Magnificent," which wasn't
quite as driving and insightful as his other work. Over a fifty year span,
he recorded "The Juice is Loose" on the OJ Simpson trial, "Ayatollah" on
the Hostage Crisis, "Idi Amin", "Russian Satellite" on the Sputnik panic
and "New York Blackout".

"Castro Eating a Banana" will be discussed under the
Incredibly Dirty Jokes, Tastefuly Told

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